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Trade Bad Vibes For Good!

This is the day, a whole entire, brand new day that the Lord has made. So, since you're alive to see it, choose to be happy, to rejoice, yes, be glad about it. (Psalm 118:24 'EBA' version*)

You have the option to feel anyway you want. Why not take charge of your own feelings and feel good? Outside influences, as well as habitual emotions may tell you how to feel. Pay attention when negative thoughts invade your mind and tell them to stop.

Practice now. Shout, "STOP!"

It's possible to counteract negative thoughts and choose a different thought path by counting your blessings, literally.

Try it now. I'm grateful for:

1. ______________________.

2. ______________________.

3. ______________________.

... do this until you actually start making yourself happy. Work it into your daily routine, perhaps when you first go to the bathroom in the morning, or immediately after brushing your teeth.

Choosing joy is a process, like anything else, that takes a little time, thinking, and practice. The change you want in your life requires you to do something different. It may even feel strange, at first. You'll have to look for joyful and enjoyable things in your life where you may normally be used to focusing on negative emotions and seeing the bad news. The good news is, you can practice positive emotions anytime of day, and if you notice that your vibe is negative, remember you have the option to flip the switch. Tell negative thoughts to stop, turn on God's word of joy, practice gratitude, and allow yourself to be glad. After all, this good news, that we can have a joy filled life, is what the mesage of Jesus is really about and is your right, as a person of faith. To learn more about this life or for prayer about choosing joy, send a message to Coach Eba.

Meditation Scriptures

Psalm 34:14 - Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.

Psalm 37:4 - Delight yourself in the LORD (enjoy God), and He will give you the desires of your heart (everything you desire will be satisfied by him).

Psalm13:5 - But I trust in your unfailing love. I will rejoice because you have rescued me (because of your salvation).

Romans 13:14 - May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.


* 'EBA' version is the expressed interpretation of Coach EBA.

Photos by Alex Green: www.pexels .com/@alex-green/

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